Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Menu Plan Monday - I mean Tuesday

So, I think I'm going to start planning a menu each week. Since I've been pregnant, the thought and process of cooking has been less than appealing (shall we say tending toward repulsive). So, that means that either: I search around at the last minute for a recipe that looks half way decent, prepare it while trying not to think about it too much, and end up being grossed out enough not eat it, serve it to Bill and make something quick for myself, or we go out to eat. Neither option seems to be working very well for our stomachs, our sanity, or our budget. Since I'm almost at the end of my first trimester and I'm starting to feel better (actually, it hasn't been bad at all, most queasiness being centered around the preparation of food for some reason), I decided that I needed to come up with a better way of doing things.

I felt inspired last night and decided to figure out what we are eating this week, and I'm pretty excited about it (wow, what does that say about my life?). I thought I'd share it with you, too. I found a whole group of people that plan their menus each week and post them on Organizing Junky's Menu Planning Mondays (I checked out a few this week and used some of their recipes). So here ya go! I'll let you know if any of these meals turn out to be extra amazing.

Monday: Pasta e Fagioli (this was a very tasty, easy recipe)
Tuesday: Taco Salad (I may also try to make these cool tortilla bowls I saw in a cookbook)
Wednesday: Broccoli Fontina Frittata (using whatever cheese I have in my fridge - maybe mozzarella and Swiss?)
Thursday: Chicken with Tomatoes
Friday: Homemade Pizza
Saturday and Sunday: Leftovers (I also want to try these Soft Pretzel Bites for snack - this girl has some good cookin' goin' on)

We'll see how it goes! Have a fun week!

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