Thursday, September 07, 2006

Guess what?! We're having a baby . . .

PUG! We're supposed to go pick him up on Saturday. I'm very excited and just a little anxious. We're currently waving goodbye to complete freedom and welcoming just a little more responsibility into our lives. I guess this will be our test run at parenthood (although the similarities are pretty few), and we'll be adding one more checkmark to the list of what often separates a "twentysomething" from an "adult". So, I think our slight nerves are understandable. There will be no more jumping in the car for a spontaneous weekend trip (as if we really ever do that now) and we'll have to keep an eagle's eye on him with our white (what were they thinking!) carpet.

In all actuality we're pretty stoked (Do cool people still use that word? I hope not; I'd never want to leave my permanent residence in geekdom and sink to being identified as a "cool kid".) We've been tossing names back and forth, and I think we've settled on one we both find attractive. Gonzo. Our (I say "our" but actually mean "my") favorite Muppet. I suggested the middle name Sputnik. Gonzo Sputnik has a catchy ring to it. Bill is currently vetoing that suggestion though. He doesn't see naming our pug after the first Russian satellite as a logical decision. I say, who cares that it's the first Russian satellite, it was the very first purposeful man-made object in space. Now that, my friends, is an event worth honoring with a namesake.

Here's a picture of Gonzo (Sputnik) from his parents:

If that's not your definitive cute-ness, I really worry about what dictionary you are using.

Well, I have officially rambled my way into the blogosphere. I can't wait to make myself at home here. Have a good day.


Josh said...

Doesn't look like it would be to hard to love that little guy. Make sure nobody leaves their good socks on the floor!!! :)

Tara said...

Ha! Great tip Josh. Ahhh, the memories.